LG L Bello bio je solidno uspješan model. Predstavljen u 8. mjesecu prošle godine mnoge je oduševio svojim dizajnom koji je podsjećao na LG-ov tadašnji flagship LG G3. Sada, godinu dana kasnije, LG je izgleda opet predstavio isti smartphone u novom pakovanju uz tek pokoju nadogradnju u odnosu na prošlogodišnji model.
Specifikacije su sljedeće:
- 5 inčni zaslon 480 x 854 rezlucije
- Četverojezgreni procesor na 1.3 GHz (vjerovatno MediaTek)
- 1 GB RAM-a
- 8 GB interne memorije (proširivo microSD karticom)
- 8 MP stražnja kamera
- 5 MP prednja kamera
- 2540 mAh baterija
- Android 5.1.1 Lollipop
I što je novo pitate se? Osim dizajna telefona koji je, prema našem skromnom mišljenju, puno lošiji i “generičniji” od prethodnika tu je sada i prednja kamera od 5 MP i novija verzija Androida. I to je to. Da, LG je izgleda odlučio doslovno “obući” stari model u novo odijelo i onako reda radi staviti malo bolju prednju kameru da se vidi nekakva razlika. Ako će cijenom biti sličan prošlogodišnjem modelu teško da će im prodaja ići dobro jer konkurencija u međuvremenu nije spavala i imaju mnogo bolje modele u ovom cjenovnom rangu.
Uređaj će biti dostupan u Indiji i Južnoj Americi još ovaj mjesec, a Europa i ostatak svijeta trebali bi ga ugledati malo kasnije.
Evo i kompletne press izjave od LG-a:
Press release
Newest Smartphone Offers Both Attractive Features and Price with Extra Large Display, Extended Battery Life and 5MP Selfie Camera
SEOUL, July 20, 2015 ― LG Electronics (LG) will roll out its newest mid-range 3G smartphone, a competitively-priced alternative for today’s discerning smartphone buyers in 3G markets. The LG Bello II 1 is the successor to last year’s popular L Bello and features a large display, a more powerful selfie camera and key camera features carried over from the company’s premium models. The LG Bello II will arrive in key markets in Latin America and India this month, to be followed by rollouts in Europe and CIS throughout the third quarter.
In addition to the large 5.0-inch display, a 5MP front-facing camera and a best-in-class 2,540mAh replaceable battery that provides ample power for all of its advanced features. LG also made it easy to snap great selfies with proprietary features like Gesture Shot and Selfie Flash, carried over from its G Series. Gesture Shot enables users to take selfies without pressing any buttons ― perfect for selfie sticks ― by simply opening and closing a hand in front of the camera. And Selfie Flash turns the phone’s display into a soft flash for portraits that are more subtle and refined.
All of these features are packaged in a sleek design that makes use of premium materials for added style and durability. A Spin Hairline pattern accents the metallic edge and a multi-layered, grooved circular pattern creates a unique visual effect on the rear cover, while also improving grip and texture.
“The LG Bello II brings unprecedented value to 3G markets, which still account for a significant 40 percent of smartphone markets,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “With its 5MP selfie camera, large display and familiar features, the LG Bello II is a great balance of form, function and price, which is why we expect to be even more successful than its predecessor.”
Details of price and availability will be announced locally at the time of launch.