Nedavno smo svi ostali zabezeknuti potezom kojim je Microsoft za sve vrste korisnika smanjio prostor na svom OneDrive servisu za cloud pohranu podataka, više na linku. Najviše je odjeknula vijest da se besplatni prostor za sve korisnike smanjuje sa 15 GB na 5 GB i da svi bonusi koje ste dobili u vidu besplatnog prostora prestaju. Na internetu je pokrenuta peticija razočaranih korisnika koju je potpisalo preko 72.000 i koja je izgleda urodila plodom.
Jučer je Microsoft preko Douglasa Pearcea ponudio ruku pomirenja opravdano nezadovoljnim korisnicima. Microsoft je očito uvidio da je napravio veliku pogrešku sa potezom smanjivanja prostora ali nažalost nisu totalno odustali od te odluke. Proces smanjenja prostora za sve korisnike će se dogoditi u 2016. kako je i planirano samo sada Microsoft daje priliku da korisnici besplatnih 15 GB prijavom na ovom linku zadrže svojih 15 GB kao i dodatnih 15 GB bonus prostora koju su mogli dobiti ukoliko su uključili Camera Roll sinkronizaciju fotografija sa telefona. Ova odluka nam se jako sviđa.
U nastavku pogledajte potpunu izjavu microsoftova zvanilnika na engleskome:
In November we made a business decision to reduce storage limits for OneDrive. Since then, we’ve heard clearly from our Windows and OneDrive fans about the frustration and disappointment we have caused. We realize the announcement came across as blaming customers for using our product. For this, we are truly sorry and would like to apologize to the community.
While we are not changing our overall plans, we’d like to clarify what we are doing for customers impacted by the changes and share a new offer which we hope will go a long way in making the situation better for our biggest fans.
Office 365 Home, Personal, and University subscriptions will continue to include 1 TB of storage. Any subscriber who received additional storage as part of our unlimited offer will keep it for at least 12 months. For anyone unhappy with the decision to not offer unlimited storage, we will offer a full refund.
For customers of our free service who have over 5 GB of content and who are directly impacted by the storage change, we will offer one free year of Office 365 Personal, which includes 1 TB of storage. These customers will receive an email with redemption information early next year.
In addition, for our biggest fans who have been loyal advocates for OneDrive, we are adding a new offer that lets you keep your existing 15 GB of free storage when the changes happen next year. If you also have the 15 GB camera roll bonus, you’ll be able to keep that as well. From now until the end of January, you can sign up to keep your storage at the link here.
We are all genuinely sorry for the frustration this decision has caused and for the way it was communicated. Thank you for sticking with us.